So here's the brief overview of where I stand. Keep in mind the categories were all assigned back when I was still planning to teach for a third year so things may shift if/when I end up dipping into savings next year.
- Emergency fund (I Bonds, value takes into account penalty for cashing out early):$8,459
- Checking account at old hometown bank: $500
- House fund at old hometown bank (15 month c.d. with 2.27% apy that will mature in February): $9,000
- Checking account at USAA: $600
- Health Savings account: $1,000
- Roth IRA (VBINX, already maxed out for 2010): $14,600
- Car fund at FNBO Direct: $9,600
- House fund at FNBO Direct: $600
Making this list served as a nice reminder that I haven't torpedoed my financial future yet. Next year may be another story, however.