Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The end is in sight, and it scares me.

I have one more final exam before I graduate. Even if I don't show up, my grade is high enough that I'll get a B in the class and complete my requirements. That should make me happy, right? Why does it feel like graduating means I move on to a new stage of my life with even more ways to fail and let down everyone I care about?


Jim ~ said...

Who are you going to let down if you fail? Typically graduation has a commencement which means the start of something new. I remember how excited I was to be finally done with college and go start my career. Sure I was leaving a system and routine I got very used to for years, but we all have to grow up at some point. Good luck on the final.

Revanche said...

I always got that mingled feeling of dread and anticipation when I graduate from one stage of school to the next, or left one job for another. It's facing the unknown.

Deep breath! Good luck with your final, and be proud of your accomplishments so far!

Anonymous said...

oooh yeah i totally hear you on that one. i wasn't that afraid of letting anyone down - i was just afraid of leaving the "best years of my life"! haha...

big steps are awesome though in that it challenges you to grow and learn about yourself (like Jim mentioned).

either way, Congrats on such a great accomplishment!